I created Chang Nation to share my experiences as an Asian guy living in the US
I faced a lot of rejections earlier in life...
From these experiences, I grew and learned how to level myself up in every aspect of life
My YouTube channel and this brand is meant to be a one-stop-shop resource I wish I had growing up
An Asian big brother that I never had
Growing up in the US, I never felt proud of being Asian...
It seemed like all of the popular kids in school and guys who got the girls weren't Asian
This led to me to be 'white washed' where I'd try to hide my Asianness to fit in with the white kids
This worked temporarily since I had some friends and even got a girlfriend in high school, but things would change when I went off to college...
Heading into college, I was actually quite optimistic about my future...
I got into my dream school, had a spot on the soccer team, and had friends through sports
Things all changed when I broke my foot and had to get surgery my first year of college
This ended my competitive soccer career and caused me to lose a huge part of my identity
I felt lost and lonely without soccer
I tried joining fraternities but got rejected...
I also didn't have any friends in this new school without the soccer team anymore
I felt sad, lonely, and depressed, dreading waking up every morning...
That's when I discovered lifting, my first sign of hope
I thought getting jacked would help me be more popular
Get people to like me
Both guys (socially) and girls (dating)
I dedicated the rest of my Freshman year to hitting the gym hard and started to get into self-improvement
I truly went down the self-improvement rabbit hole and invested hundreds into books
How to Win Friends & Influence People
No More Mr. Nice Guy
I invested countless time and effort into figuring out how I could become more likable, charismatic, and cooler
I did all of this because I wanted to join a fraternity...
I told myself if I didn't get into a fraternity my Sophomore year, then I would transfer schools
Fortunately, I met my friend E at the gym who was a jacked Asian guy
I remember going up to him and asking how many sets he had left or something...
But then we started talking and I realized he was also super into lifting and watching fitness YouTubers
Little did I know... meeting E that day was about to change my college trajectory and life
E would help me get into a solid fraternity and eventually become my pledge father
E was also my first lifting mentor who helped me out a lot since I was still a noob at the gym
College got a lot better now that I had a close friend and made more friends being in the fraternity
However... I still faced problems in on area of life
Even though I was jacked, in a solid fraternity, and overall a cool guy... I still couldn't get a girlfriend
I would get friend zoned time and time again
And it felt like whenever I would put myself out there...
The only person that I could really relate to on this topic was actually my friend E since we were two of the very few Asian guys in our fraternity
It felt like being an Asian guy was a massive disadvantage in the dating department as it felt like none of my friends had problems dating who weren't Asian
I don't say this to sound jaded...
But I was honestly just confused since I felt like I was a pretty cool guy who lifted and was in a good fraternity so I figured dating would be a walk in the park...
This couldn't be further from the truth though as I faced a lot of rejection from girls throughout my time in college
E felt the same way... a girl actually told him straight to his face that she would date him but he's Asian...
Keep in mind, I went to a Jewish school so I later found out that Jewish girls had a strong preference to date Jewish guys and weren't as open to dating Asian guys
While I didn't experience the abundance of dating success that is needed to develop true self-confidence in yourself, I did get a girlfriend my senior year of college.
I actually went up to her at the gym asking her "how many sets she had left on the bench press" then proceeding to chat with her after she was done.
This led to me inviting her to one of my fraternities parties and one thing led to another and we ended up dating!
Now while from a results perspective, this is great, I mean I got a girlfriend I was attracted to I felt like throughout this entire relationship, I was dating from a place of scarcity and neediness.
I had the mindset that this was the best girl I could get and if we broke up my life would be over...
Typing this out, I was definitely a SIMP lol.
Anyways as you guys can guess, things eventually ended...
When I graduated she didn't want to do long distance
I actually later found out she ended up getting with some younger guys from my fraternity so yeah... you guys can probably guess what type of girl she was.
Fast forward to post-college, I had just moved to a new city with no friends. Freshly off the break-up, I thought that the best way to get over my ex was to find a new girlfriend...
The problem was, I had just stared working a very stressful job putting in long hours and also gained a lot of weight on the first few months on the job.
Couple that with me going out every weekend with my roommate at the time, striking out left and right when I tried to talk to girls at the bars, and ending the night with McDonald's or fast food twice a weekend.
Needless to say I also developed severe acne on top of gaining a shit ton of weight.
As you can tell it was recipe for disaster as I was going on dates from dating apps using my old pictures (pre-fat and acne riddled Josh) and effectively catfishing girls...
It actually makes sense why none of these girls wanted to see me again, even though it's obvious why I failed at dating during this time period, it didn't make the rejections sting any less.
I still remember the face of disappointment on some of these girls' faces as I walked through the door to the restaurant / bar we were meeting at...
Poor dates had to sit through an entire meal / drinks with me after I had catfished them into a first date.
So during this time period, I was hitting the gym hard six days a week, I actually hit a 315 bench press during this period of me having no luck in the dating department
The gym was something I could fall back on as a stable 'safe haven' from real world problems
I knew I had to lose weight since I had gotten fat to the point where I was ashamed of how I looked in the mirror
As someone who has successfully dieted before, I knew that I needed some accountability so I hired an online fitness coach and enrolled in a bodybuilding show six months out
The first contest prep was a wild success as I competed in three bodybuilding shows, primarily in the natural federation since ya boi isn't on the sauce
I lost 35 lbs in six months and also got rid of my acne during this time!
Life was great, I looked better, was doing better at work (halo effect?), and overall just felt more confident in my skin
One problem though... I still didn't have the dating department figured out
At least now when I went on dates, I wasn't repulsing girls to oblivion as a catfish
But at the same time, I couldn't get many second dates as my dates didn't feel a spark...
Failure after failure led me to develop a victim mindset thinking that maybe I was destined to be single since I'm short and Asian...
It felt like I was doing well in all aspects of life except for the relationship department...
Now around this time when I wasn't having much luck in finding a girlfriend, I actually stumbled across an old podcast with an Asian dating coach
I went down a rabbit hole of binge watching this guy's video for two weeks since it was the first time in my life where I felt hope with dating...
That maybe there was something I could do to improve my current situation...
Up until this point, I had lost hope as a short Asian guy with my romantic life...
But finding Mike's content gave me some hope since he broke things down very logically
$10,000 GAMBLE
Out of desperation, I decided to hop on a sales call after two weeks of video watching...
I had a YOLO moment where I paid for a one week program where I would fly to Vegas and live with the coach to take action with dating
I was nervous... but also excited
I knew that no matter what happened, at least I was holding myself to take accountable...
Either I would take action and get good results...
Or I would go and fail...
But at least I could say I tried and didn't give up
This experience actually really skyrocketed my confidence since...
Something I didn't realize going into the program was that I'm a good looking guy...
I always thought I was below average or average because I never did too well with online dating...
But through positive interactions along with supportive environment, I started to develop confidence and believe in myself
I feel as Asian Americans, we grow up never feeling like we are enough (probably because "A" means Average when it comes to school / grades)
This mindset carried over to dating, I felt like I had something "wrong" with me since I had no success with my dating life...
As I put myself out there for multiple years with no luck, my self-esteem slowly dwindled with each failed date, one after another
That's why this week so monumental for me because it was the first time I truly dedicated time to take action and focus on this area of my life in a productive way
While I spent a lot of money and did improve my confidence with dating...
This experience gave me something I never would've expected in a million years...
My first Asian guy friends that I could relate to.
A decent amount of his students were actually normal guys just like me who just wanted to level up their dating life in a non-weird, practical way
So I met some of his other students, specifically his alumni, who were other cool Asian dudes
Additionally, because I was in Vegas at the time, I eventually met Kevin Tang who I reached out to randomly on Facebook Messenger...
Fast forward four years and Kevin is one of my closets friends and somehow I consider a "big brother" or "mentor"
That one Facebook message led to me moving to Vegas to live in the Amped House with other Asian American content creators and entrepreneurs!
Honestly after I improve my online dating profile and took action putting myself out there, I was pretty satisfied with my dating life
Now during this period, I felt like a shift happened internally where I gradually started the become more and more proud of my Asian identity
I learned to love myself, love being Asian and truly lean into my half Taiwanese half Chinese heritage
Ironically, I started to find Asian girls attractive (for the first 25 years I mainly dated white girls)
Now I'm dating a girl who is half Asian and in general, I feel more comfortable around Asians
Total 180 from how I was like before when I was white washed and only attracted to white girls
Now why did this shift happen?
How did I go from being the most 'white washed' guy in the world to being super proud of being Asian and making content for Asian guys
Well there's a few theories I have
Meeting Kevin Tang along with some of his cool friends was my first exposure to cool Asian guys
Positive Asian Male Role Models
Seeing guys like him doing really well in business, dating, and life showed to me that there cool Asian guys out there succeeding in the US
Secondly, as I met more like-minded Asian guys, I actually realized I could relate to these guys more easily
This is such an underrated factor when making friends
There's reason a lot of these public meet-up groups don't work well or you can't bond closely with your coworkers and it's because of this factor
You don't have underlying shared experiences with these people that can pave the way for strong relationships
Lastly, brotherhood
As I built out my social circle of cool Asian guys, I felt like I had found my wolf pack of guys who had my back be it YouTube, business, or dating
If I had any doubts in myself or needed a sounding board, I had a solid group of guys I could turn to
As someone who used to think I could just lone wolf my way through life, having this support system proved to me that having a team behind you is a much better approach to living life
Not only from a support standpoint, but even from a guidance and mentorship perspective as well
This leads to where we are today, as an Asian American guy who has gone through quite a bit of experiences:
- Lifted for 12 years naturally
- Competed in 11 bodybuilding shows
- Won my natural pro card
- Met girlfriend through online dating profile
- Drove 2,000 miles from Seattle to Vegas to moved into the Amped House
- Created 200+ YouTube videos
I feel like there's a lot I can share with the world, specifically about my navigating fitness, dating, and life as an Asian American guy
I create videos and put content out there that I personally wish I had when I was growing up because it would have made my life so much easier in terms of having a one-stop-shop resource for my questions on taboo topics such as dating
I'm just a normal Asian American guy who struggled with dating, invested time, money, and effort to figuring it out and eventually did figure it out
I've had a girlfriend for over two years now and now I just want to create a community of like-minded guys who are looking to level up together
The reason for this is because I owe a lot of my dating and social successes to the fact that I personally found my wolf pack when I met Kevin Tang and I there's no Asian American guy out there building this sort of Asian brotherhood
Additionally, this might be selfish, but I just wanna meet more cool guys as well
Each retreat that I've hosted, I've had the pleasure of meeting cool Asian guys from all over the US and Canada
Not only that, but getting to see the transformation people make, specifically developing self-confidence in themselves and seeing their true potential is very rewarding for me
That's why I created Chang Retreat to unite like-minded Asian guys who are hungry to take action to level up and streamline their journey in fitness, dating, and self improvement
The retreat is a jammed packed weekend where you will participate in multiple photoshoots, hangout with cool guys, and go out to some of the best night clubs in the country with the boys
And the best part is, the retreat is just the tip of the iceberg because post-retreat, I connect you with my retreat alumni so you can continue the momentum when you return to your day-to-day life and stay accountable to whatever goals you set for yourself
So if you're new here, welcome and if you're an existing viewer of my YouTube videos, I just want to express gratitude from the bottom of my heart
If it wasn't for my awesome subscribers and supporters, I wouldn't have the courage I do today to share my story as a short, Asian American guy who faced a lot hardship and struggles but eventually figured things out :)